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Is the Best of Italy Really the Best of Italy?

Is the Best of Italy Really the Best of Italy? I did a Bing search the other day on the Best of Lists. The Best of Italy came up with 530,000,000 results. Yet can everything be the best for everybody?Travel related web sites and guidebooks are not shy about giving their opinions on what they consider to be the best. Publicatons, numbers, experts and travel gurus would lead us to believe that we should take their advice. Like the famous TV commercial of the 1970's when the powerful Wall Street firm E.F. Hutton advised investors that "when E.F. Hutton talks, people listen", shouldn't we be listening to their advice when we're told this is the best?

Yet even the word best is relative, defined as most likely to succeed, most likely to come near to the desired outcome, most intimate, most trusted and confided in more than anybody else".

It would be foolish to ignore the advice of Italian insiders yet there is a Danish proverb that says "he who builds to every man's advice will have a crooked house". Avoid the lemming mentality of travel. Research your options and look to trusted sources that share the same aesthetic for travel that you do. Not everything is the best for everybody.

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